Freitag, 7. Juni 2013

The Xbox One – "Go Home" you´re drunk

On a bright sunny day in the spring of 2013 a group of gaming journalist came to a press event for the reveal of the next Xbox1. What they saw was a new home entrainment system with the ability to play video games on a hardware which seems to be comparable to a medium spec PC from the year 2013. The last 20min of the one hour presentation they finally told us about games. They started with EA Sport games, but then they showed us a halo tv series. Finally they came out with next “Call of Duty”. “Call of Duty: Ghosts”2 is not a Xbox exclusive nor is it running on a new engine, it´s still the same engine they started using since Call of Duty 2 (2005)3.

The Q&A that followed and the answers given via twitter and other social media were so contradictory that no one could figure out the details on the subjects of "used games","always online" and "always on". It got so bad that they had to block comments on their youtube page4. It didn´t even take a day that console hardcore gamers got around to list all the features that the Xbox might have5. Some were furious then others about the way Microsoft was going with this console6.

Microsoft seemed to be surprised not only by the huge negative responds by the fans but also their stock did drop and Sony´s did rise7. After the first days of shock, the fans did calm down but they were still bitter.

Microsoft still would have the advantage to because they are scheduled first at the E3 and could clarify all details on the pressing matters. The hardcore gamers hoped that their reaction could convince Microsoft that they´ll step back from "used games ban" "always on" and "always online" thoughts. They hoped Microsoft would start fresh with the hardcore gamers.

Let us go back in time for a moment to try to understand why Microsoft was so focused on gaming-entrainment system presentation and Sony showed of a gaming console with social features.
The Xbox 360, the predecessor of the Xbox One (i know it is a confusing naming scheme) was very game centric and won the first half of the so console war between Sony and Microsoft.
The second half was won by Sony because on the one hand they focused on a competent peripheral, the Sony Move, to introduce dancing and sports games, like the Wii did, to their system. On the other hand Playstation exclusives were some of the best games of that generation. With games like “Uncharted” Series or “The Last of Us” as well as indie games like “Journey” they had critically acclaimed masterpieces8 and system sellers. The other factors that helped Sony pass Microsoft to the finish line was on the one side the service PlayStation Plus. This is a optional service for the Playstation 3 where the comsumer has to pay a subscription fee which allows him to play many older titles for free and to get many titles with a huge discount9.

On the other hand Microsoft stopped delivering real exclusives or new exclusives hardcore game IPs to the Xbox 360 and focused on the big bet “The Kinnect” and older franchises like "Gears of War" and "Halo". The games sold very well, but the kinect was a surprising finacial hit which sold more units then the gamecube in just over a year according to them.10

Now we know why they were so heavy focused on the kinect 2. The fact that kinect1 did not function at all with hardcore games like “Steel Battalion”11 was not addressed, they just said that the new one would work better under sub optimal conditions. Kinect1 strengths were in dancing, singing or party games like Dance Central or Happy Action Theater. So their big bet on casual games paid of.
Sony on the other hand saw that their game exclusives sold their console in the end.

Here we have two companies at the same point of time with two different mindsets to create their next generation consoles. Both following their latest insights. Evoking two different reactions from hardcore gamers at the presentation of their console.

If Microsoft did or did not know that their opponent has a stronger system as they thought can not be proven 12. The fact they had to push their press event back a month to respond to Sony presentation of the PlayStation4 was curious.13
It seemed even more strange that they scheduled the event early morning at 10 am PST. In Europe though the event would air at around 8pm CEST, prime time territory. To Microsofts credit they were at least thinking globally, knowing that the Xbox 360 was more prominent in the US then in Europe14. Problem though that because of the strange time in the US only hardcore fans followed the event live and in Europe casuals were not paying attention, because,ironically, they were busy watch TV.

Who at Microsoft thought this was a great idea? The casuals only come when they seen it on TV and can buy or at least preorder the console. All Microsoft were left with was their main audience: the hardcore gamers. If Microsoft likse it or not, those are the people who want a console because of games, not TV-features.

As said, they had all the options to come out blazing with awesome hardcore games and verify that none of the feared features were on supported by their system or to a bare minimum amount.

Yet again some one at Microsoft, probably the same guy who was responsible for the press event let us call him “Bill”, thought it was smart to cancel the E3 Post-Press Conference Roundtable15. Many gamers asked themselves what the reason would be for that. The most likely options were a) either they would clarify everything on stage or b)they were about put out a statement before the event to avoid yet again contradictory statements at the round table. 

“Bill” did not disappoint and did put a a statement16. Sadly it pretty much for filled every nightmare of a gamer. It was going to be always online and always on. Even though now Microsoft said that through software you can turn the kinect of, they also stated that the only voice command it would now react to was “xbox on”, which still means it is always on and listening to you. As feared by many, you will not be able to use the Xbox without the Kinect plugged in. On the “used games” topic they clarified that just in certain circumstances you will be able to lend your games. Only a maximum 10 people are able to play games from your account and just one console can be active playing your games from your account at a time. It all seems means Microsoft is trying their best to stop any game trading. Gamers now only be acquiring a license, much like steam on the PC, and not a copy of the game it self. They also state that you will be able to return your copy to certain retailers, which companies exactly are not mentioned. You can only gift your copy once to another friend whose been at least 30 days on your friends list. The 30 day factor aswell as the statement that these features will not be ready at launch and must be horrifying to companies like GameStop17 and be pleasing to publishers like EA, because only them and Microsoft get the piece of the pie and no one else for at least until the end of the holiday season 2013-2014.

Of course Microsoft also mentioned that pretty much all these features can be used by publishers but are not a requirement. That could be theoretically at least good for indie game developers, who don´t have to please some stock owner, right? Not really, since Microsoft will not change their policy on publishing and there will be no option to self publishing. Microsoft does not seem to care that it has been confirmed that self publishing on the Playstation 4 and the WiiU will be possible.1819

It seems ancient that Microsoft still holds on the monthly fee for Xbox Live, a service which brings no benefits to the gamers and just allows them to use their online platform. Xbox Live fee is very profitable. So why should Microsoft kill one of their few golden gooses?20 Sony does not charge for their equivalent service on the PS3 nor will be on the PS4.

As a German I am happy that this console might not even reach our county or at least in this form. It is on the wrong side of our right of privacy. Funny enough that Microsoft is running a huge advertisement campaign here in Berlin for all Microsoft Products, like Microsoft Explorer, Windows Phone and Microsoft Surface. All these products are selling very bad and/or are overpriced. The most contradictory to the privacy settings of the Xbox is the advertisement of Windows Outlook with the big slogan “the safety of your privacy is our top priority”21. Funny and sad at the same time.

The Xbox One has been until now an utterly disaster. But why am I, as firstly a PC gamer and secondly a PlayStation gamer, concerned? The fear that Microsoft comes with new and grand Games at the E3 which dominates the PlayStation 4 launch line up and at comparable price as the PS4. This could push most gamers or too many towards the Xbox One. If this would be the case publishers would see this model as an success and push us, the Pc gamers, more and more towards always online and account exclusives titles with lots of DRM without the benefits that we are now getting, like huge discounts during sales or humble bundles.

Le´ts see what Microsoft does next. I would not be shocked if we don´t see the same launch problems á la Sim City (2013) or Diablo3. Xbox One is so full of it self that it is even drunk and toxic to all gamers.

"Xbox go home"-please

Sources (7th June 2013) :

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